Make an Appointment with Us

Please visit our appointment scheduler here to make an appointment. Contact the Calaveras County Elections Office at (209) 754-6376 or email us with any questions or concerns.


Campaign Finance Disclosure

Public Access Portal

The County implemented a Public Portal to view campaign & committee financial disclosures to promote transparency in 2021. Financial disclosures filed before 2021 may not be viewable electronically. Email the Elections Office if you are searching for financial disclosures filed prior to 2021.

This Public Portal contains financial information provided by candidates and committees. It can answer questions about who is contributing money, who is receiving money, and how it is being spent.

Use the Campaign Statement Public Portal to research campaign contributions and expenditures and review campaign statements filed by candidates and committees.

Filer Portal

The Filer Portal is a web-based, data entry filing system that allows candidates and campaign committees to submit disclosure reports mandated by California's Political Reform Act to the Electronic Filing System free of charge.

Use the Filer Access Portal to create electronic campaign statements. Before you begin, you must have received your Electronic Filing System login and password. To get a login and password for your committee, email the Elections Office or call at (209) 754-6376.

  • Coming Soon! A new electronic campaign filing system will be deployed in the following weeks. Please contact the Elections Office for assistance with filing during the transition.

Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interest

The Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000 – 91015) requires state, local public officials, and designated employees to publicly disclose their financial interests when assuming office, annually, and leaving office.  They must also disqualify themselves from participating in decisions that may affect their personal financial interests. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) is the State agency responsible for issuing the Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700), and for interpreting the law’s provisions.

These public filings help officials and employees monitor their financial interests, identify when those interests might conflict with their government actions, and take steps to avoid conflicts of interests.

Form 700 FAQs

When must the Form 700 be filed?

2 March 2023

When must the Form 700 be filed?

The deadline for submitting Form 700 is every April 1st.


When must the Form 700 be filed? - Assuming Office

2 March 2023

When must the Form 700 be filed? - Assuming Office

When must the Form 700 be filed? - Annually

2 March 2023

When must the Form 700 be filed? - Annually

  • Due by April 1 each year, or the following Monday if it falls on the weekend. 

Exception: if you assumed office between October 1 and December 31, the Assuming Office Form 700 will act as both Assuming Office and Annual combined.


When must the Form 700 be filed? - Leaving Office

2 March 2023

When must the Form 700 be filed? - Leaving Office

  • Within 30 days of the leaving office date.

What Happens if I Don't Filing on Time?

2 March 2023

What Happens if I Don't Filing on Time?

Any person who is referred to FPPC’s Enforcement Division for not filing is subject to a late fine of $10 per day per position up to $100 for each day the statement is late.


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